Thursday, May 6, 2010

what did you learn in progression from preliminary task to the main one

during the progression between my preliminary task and main task i have learnt alot. The main things were how to use editing techniques to achieve what i want in the preliminary task i did not rely understand how to accuratly use the technolgy to create my preliminary task but by the time it came to the main one i had more understanding in how to use the media software.

I have also learnt how to manage my and my groups time more efficently. In the preliminary task we were rushed to get it finished and this led to work being done wrong and we had people doing the wrong task or the same. We corrected this during the main task and it was this change to organisation that allowed us to complete the task with enough time to do good editing and to polish it off so it looked good.

I have also learnt the importance that good audience feedback is, i discovered that for the preliminary task we did not rely understand what people wanted and this meant we did not have a good direction in what to do. we amended this in our main task because it gave us an idea of what people would like and what they wanted and this was the real bases for our chosing of genre and what to include in our film.

I have also learnt how a good variety and range of camera shots and angels can greatly improve your work. i the first task i did not rely pay attention to details of what everything meant and portrayed to the audience. In the main piece i paid alot more attention to what effect the shots,music and editing has on the audience and it was this attention that allowed me to make sure i conform to the forms and conventions of an action thriller but also what i can do to challenge them aswell.

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