Wednesday, May 5, 2010


The deiting process was rather difficult due to the fact that we ad issues when trying to convert of video so it works on sony vegas movie maker. However we managed to over come this issue by changing the format of the footage to one that was compatable with the media software.

The post production was reletivly easy because we had have previouse exspirence from our previouse course so we know how to use diffrent techniques in terms of effects and different speed of editing. We also had planned out earlier what we wanted our film to look like so we had a rough idea of what sort of cuts to use to achieve the tension and suspense we wanted.

The first key thing that we did was to sync the music with the film with did this by using variouse techniques, the first was to trim the film down so that we could manipulate the footage to fit in with the music. We also had to make sure that we used the correct pace of music so it portrayed the correct feeling and created the scene this was very imporant because it was a key part of creating tension that an action thriller relies on.

We then worked on the special effects that we would require for the interogation scene. we decided to use a grainy grey film over the scene so it gave the impression it was from a security camera this was vital in portrayng to the audience that it is a very seriouse video tape and one which should not have been scene.

we the decided to make a dvd menu we did this for several reasons the first was to show realism as if we were actualy distributing it to the audience and the second reason was to make it look professional so that we would be able to attract better film distribution companies.

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