Thursday, May 6, 2010

How did you target the audience

We targeted the audience in several diffrent ways.

If we were really producing this movie we would first attract our audience by using a range of advertising sources, we would relise a trailer to attract fans of action thriller movies, we would put up posters with big writing a lots of colour so people can see and realise that our film is out, we would also attempt to get articles iin magazines that focus in particular action/thriller movies. we would also use a good dvd cover so people could recognise the movie on a shop shelf.

we have targeted people and in particular fans of action thrillers, to our movie because in our opening sequence we have created tension by the use of editing, connected the character with the audience by using close up shots of him, made the audience intrigued and interested in the film because they will want to know what will happen and what the film is about. We have attracted them by the use of audience feedback because the reason why did an action/thriller style movie was because our feedback sheets told us that it was the moxt popular type of thriller sub-genre and this shows that people will be attracted to our film because of the catergory of genre it falls under.

We have also used the sub genre to attract our audience because we know due to research and questionaires that the majority of both male and females would want to watch a thriller style movie

  • 1= thriller

  • 2= action

  • 3=comedy

  • 4=romance

  • 5=horror
  • This graph shows us that men are most likely to watch a thriller and because the 2nd highest was action this shows how an action thriller would be a very popular film and would attract the audience

  • 1=thriller

  • 2=action

  • 3=comedy

  • 4=romance

  • 5=horror

This graph shows us that women also prefer thriller films over other genres however they also like romantic and this suggest that an action thriller would be more popular to men rather than women.

Theese graphs show that we have targeted the audience because we have chosen the most popular main genre for both sexes.

I can further prove that we have targeted the audience is the resukts that we gotback about what people thought of our film

This graph shows us that the majority of people who watched our film enjoyed it and this shows how we have targeted the correct audience because if we targeted the wrong audience they would not have enjoyed it.

This graph shows us what the audience liked about our film the fact that they liked the camera angels shows that we used them in the correct way that would appeal to our target audience. It also shows us that people enjoyed the plot of the movie this further gives evidence of how our film is targeted at the correct audience.

This graph shows us that we have targeted the correct audience because the majority of people enjoyed the film and because it was targeted at people who enjoy action thrillers it shows how we have targeted a particular audience.

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