Wednesday, May 5, 2010


After we had sorted out the script and the props we got down to the actual filming

The actual filming of the film sequence took around three days however due to the actor being injured we had to stop for about a week for him to rest and heal. the filming was easy because of our planning we knew exactly what to do. The first part of the film we did was the main part this was because we knew that it would be the hardest dection of the movie and wanted to make sure that we got it done to a high standard. The filming took place within a friends house and backgarden we did this so that we were positive we could spend long periods of time filming and it also fitted in with our story because of the lay out of the house and guarden. The next bit that we filmed was the beginning this was because the weather conditions were good and we didnt want to chance waiting much longer. this was reletavily easy because the garden was big enough for us to use a variety of shots from diffrent angles. We then filmed the interogation scene, the main issue with this was actually hitting the person because on the one hand it had to look good but also be safe and this took a few tries to get right. We then filmed the section scenes theese were easy only only took around 30 minutes this was because they were all one shot. The final piece was the car driving away we left this till last because we needed to make sure that it fitted in with the rest of the footage and didnt look out of place.

The first shot we did was an establishing shot of the house we did this so we could set the scene and let the audience know what is happening and what sort of surrondings. this relates to our chosen sub genre because most action thrillers begin with a shot to set the scene

It then quickly jumped of a mid range shot as you see the spy entering the scene we did this so you could see the surrondings and it tells you that the spy is not meant to be there because hes coming through the trees. This relates to our chosen sub genre because very often the actors are doing things there not suppose to do. We have also made him wear clothes which suit his character because he does not look out of the ordinary for example if he was wearing a black suite he would look suspciouse we noticed this from our research because they were all wearing pratical clothes and it also means the audience can connect easily with him

The next shot is a low angeled shot where you cannot see his head just his body we did this for several reasons the 1st was because it shows how he is powerful because he is dominationg the shot and the fact you cant see his face makes him seem not human. we made the edit between this scene and the next slow so that it seemed menacing. This is a very typical shot that you will see in alot of action/thriller films this is because it is very good at giving an impression of some one who is in powere and this is vital because there is always a central character in an action thriller

the next shot is a close up looking through the window of the door at the spies face we did this because it shows how the spy is connected with the house and it shows how hes trying to get in and you can also see the concentration on his face to show he is determined. this shot also relates to our chosen sub genre because it shows the actors emotion and lets the audience connect with him and this is vital because its this emotion the audience connects with and will determine if he is a good or evil person

This leads nicely into the next shot because we have it fading in and this gives the impression that it is taking a long time and we keep the same shot because we see the spy begin to worry because its taking a long time. this further proves how we are relating to a action thriller because alot depends on the actors emotion and this shots portrays his.

we then have a quick edit to a close up shot of the spy in the house e have done this to show the audience that he is in and it is a quick edit because it shock you because you dont exspect to see it. This is vital and connects with our sub genre because it relies heavily on shock and aw

We then have a shot of the door handle opening we have done this to create tension because the audience do not know whats in the room or why he is going in there it also shows how he is forcing his way into the scene and we have done this to show he has power. This is also a typical shot you would see in an action thriller because it is great at creating suspense and this is vital in creating a good action/thriller

we then have a mid range shot of the spy entering the room we have used a mid range shot because it shows the audience part of the room but still keeps the tension there because they cant see all of it you can also see the spy touch his com set which makes the audience wonder who he is talkin to. this shot also relates to our chosen sub genre because it further enhances the subs and tension which a good action thriller thrives on.

we then have a close up of the computer and we have done this to show the significance of it and it shows the audience what the spy is after we also see the spies hand touching it we did this to show how he is almost claiming it we have kept the editing slow to keep up that tension which is sonominos with action thriller films.

we then have a cut so we can see the person he is talking to we have done this so the audience gets to see who he was communicatibg with but we further create tension because they want to know who she is and in action/thriller films it is very typical for this to happen. This also relates to the conventions of an action thriller because spies are normally supported by outside help we know this because of our research. We have also made the women wear clothes that are normal most action thrillers do this and so further turns our movie into an action thriller

we then have a shot of computer files this suggest to the audience what they are looking for and will keep the audience incaptivated because they will want to know what the files are about and whos they are we have also kept the editing speed slow so that there is tension because the longer he is there the more risk of being caught. This also relates to the conventions of an action thriller because in most modern ones it envolves alot of technolgy hence the use of computers.

we then have a very fast cut to the file on the computer which shows the spy being tortured we have used a mid range shot here so the audieence can see the surrondings it is also in black and white so it looks like a security camera this suggets to the audience that it is in a secure location. The interviewer is also being immediatly violent towards the spy by hitting this shocks the audience and along with the quick editing changes the pace and intesity of the film. This also fits in with the conventions of action thriller because they will very often be tortured and the clothes in which we have made the torture wear are smart and this is very often the cause in action thriller torture scenes.

we then have a close up of the spy we have done this to show how he is connected to the computer file and this shows the audience how he is envolved and explains why he is after it so much

we then have a low angled shot of the spy leaving we have used this kind of shot to show now that he has the movie file he is in control and this i why we have put him in a position of power.

we then have a close up of the spy we have used a quick paced edit to show how he is leaving quickly this creates tension in the audience and makes them feel the same as the actor.

we then have a close up of his feet walking over the camera we have done this to show how he is powerful because he is overpowering in the shot whereas at the start when he entered he was very much surronded by the surronding area.

We the have a mid range shot of the spy running towards a car we have him running away to show to the audience that he is leaving the scene we have used a reletivly quicked pace editing to intesive the fact that he is running this further shows you how our film is an action thriller because their is very often a car chase envolved or some form of cars.

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