Sunday, April 18, 2010


In the movie the director uses a variety of diffrent shots to portray the power of the killer and the weakness of the victim, The director repeatedly uses shots from a high angel when the killer is talkin or bein shown This is portray the killer in control and dominate over the victim who is very often seen in low angel shots to show how he is small and weak. This was very useful to us because it showed us how to portray strength and weakness in our film. The director also uses a variety of diffrent camera shots to show diffrent things for example when he wishes to show the despair of the victim he uses close up shots to show emotion and when he wishes to show what is happening he will uses a wide camera shot that encorperates the surronding buildings. This was very helpful because it showed us how to portray emotion and also how to establish the scene for the audience in terms of an establishing shot. The film was also useful because you do not see the killers identy and its this voied of human contact that makes him seem ruthless and almost like an animal stalking its prey and this showed us how we could portray people in our film. The director also uses a variety of diffrent editing speds to show diffrent things for example when the victim attempts to escape and the killer loses control he speeds it up to show how quickly events are moving but when he wishes to show the killer talking he uses slow editing to give a sense of its not going to end for the victim and this was useful because it showed how we can change the speed and pace of the film by using fast and slow editing and it also showed us what kind of editing a action/thriller envolves. We also looked closely at what the director was trying to portray for example the begining sequence starts of in new york with lots of buildings, peoples and cars and then cuts to the main actor, he has done this to connect him with the surronding area. this was useful because it showed how we can connect our character to the surronding area and to the audience. The director also uses in this film alot of diffrent sound and music techniques to change the mood of the movie and to pull the audience from a relaxed position to an intense one with the change of music. For example he uses very slow sinister music to show how the killer is calm and very fast jumpy music to show how the victim is stressed and paniced. this was useful because it showed us how touse music and sound to portray diffrent things and also how to control the audiences emotions.

The second film we watched was
Natural born killers
In the movie the director uses a number of diffrent camera shots to portray diffrent things for example he uses close up shots of the 2 main characters to connect them together and uses mnnect them with their victims, this is useful because it gives us further impresions of what camera shots we can use to show diffrent things. The director like the first movie uses diffrent camera angels to portray diffrent things for example when the main characters are gettin married he uses a high angel shot to show they are on a bridge and this gives across the impresion that they are on top of the world and this further showed us the importance of good camera angles. The director also clever uses editing speeds to fit in with the film plot. for example in the beginning the editng is slow paced when you see there first kill but by the end it is fast but at the very end it goes back to a slow pace of editing. This was rely helpful because it showed us how the pace of editing cuts can dictate a movie and it is vital to get it right. This movie further showed us the impact of sound and music can have on what the audience feels for example he uses comical music to de sentive the audience to the violence of the film. and this reiterated the power and importance of music and using it correctly in our film
This research was very helpful and greatly impacted on what we included in our film because it showed us the conventions of an action thriller, how directors of action thrillers use a mixture a editng, camera shots and angles and music to portray things and change the mood and feel of the audience. It also showed us what sort of audience an action thriller is aimed at and this gave us a good impression of who to aim our movie at.

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