Thursday, April 8, 2010

research 2

we chose to do a thriller style of movie because when we analysed our inital research we felt that it would be the most logical one to do. This is because when researching thriller films we felt that because of the broad options in terms of what we could include so it fell into a specific genre of film thriller gave us the most option because a thriller includes at least 1 other genre of film and it also allowed us to do appropriate shots with the media devices that were at our disposal. It also would allow us to pick and mix diffrent ideas and we felt that because of our research we knew what to do in our film in terms of editing and filming so we could accuratley include the styles and conventions of seperate genres into a good flowing film. after we had chosen to do a thriller style of film we felt it would be best to research into all diffrent aspects of thriller films and the sub genres in them.

Thrillers often take place wholly or partly in exotic settings such as foreign cities, deserts, polar regions, or seas. The heroes in most thrillers are frequently "hard men" accustomed to danger: law enforcement officers, spies, soldiers, seamen or aviators. However, they may also be ordinary citizens drawn into danger by accident.

There are also alot of sub generes in a thriller

Action thriller: In which the work often features a race against the clock, contains lots of violence, and an obvious antagonist. These films usually contain large amounts of guns, explosions, and large elaborate set pieces for the action to take place

conspiracy thrillers: In which the hero/heroine confronts a large, powerful group of enemies whose true extent only he/she recognizes.

Crime thriller: This particular genre is a hybrid type of both crime films and thrillers that offers a suspenseful account of a successful or failed crime or crimes. These films often focus on the criminal rather than a policeman. Crime thrillers usually emphasize action over psychological aspects.

Disaster thriller: In which the main conflict is due to some sort of natural or artificial disaster, such as floods, earthquakes, hurricanes, volcanoes, etc., or nuclear disasters as an artificial disaster.

Drama thriller: In which the story consists of the elements of a thriller and drama film. These films are usually slower paced and involves a great deal of character development along with plot twists.

Science fiction thriller: in which there is normally a hero or heroin battling for ither there or earths survival against aliens good examoples are predator and alien.

Horror thriller: In which the main character is put in danger and their main enemies are unrealistic creatures in which they must destroy to achieve their goal.

Legal thriller: In which the lawyer-heroes/heroines confront enemies outside, as well as inside, the courtroom and are in danger of losing not only their cases but their lives.

Psychological thriller: In which until the often violent resolution the conflict between the main characters is mental and emotional, rather than physical.

After doing this research we felt that it would be good if we got some feedback from our audience, so we decided to do a questionaire that were aimed at dicovering what peoples favourite styles of thrillers are.

The results were

psychological thriller = 15

legal thriller = 11

drama thriller=6

action thriller=18

disaster thriller= 3

science fiction thriller=7

horror thriller =9

crime thriller =11

conspiracy thriller =3

1=psychological thriller

2= legal thriller

3=drama thriller

4=Action thriller

5=disaster thriller

6=science fiction thriller

7=horror thriller

8=crime thriller

9=conspiracy thriller

This research told us that the most populr sub genre of a thriller is action/thriller, this was very useful because it showed us what would be popular and what the majority of people liked and it was this popularity that drove us towards doing an action/thriller style of movie. Aswell as it would give us a chance to exsperiment with diffrent techniques in the editing and filming process.

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